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Gung Hay Fat Choy
Celebrate the Lunar New Year
Ong Ko Met Association
Chinese Lunar Year 4708 Year of the Tiger
If you are a married daughter of an Ong family or
if your maiden name is Ong and wish to become a regular member
please join us.
February 6, 2010, Saturday
at 12 noon
Chinese New Years Eve Luncheon
Ong Ko Met Family Association
427 Chinatown Mall
Sacramento, CA 95814
Please join us for Chinese New Years Eve luncheon
immediately following traditional ceremony honoring ancestors.
After lunch, everyone is welcome to brief meeting to plan Lunar
New Year festivities
February 6, 2010, Saturday
at 5:30 pm
Chinese New Years Eve Dinner
New Station Restaurant
1800 Broadway Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
Tickets: $5 per person / member
Info or RSVP:
Sam K. Ong: 421-9330
March 1, 2009, Sunday
Chinese New Years Luncheon 12 noon - 2:00 PM
Ong Ko Met Association
427 J Street, Sacramento Chinatown Mall
Lunch Buffet provided. Bring your favorite dish to share.
Chinese New Years Eve Banquet at 6:00 PM
Holiday Villa Restaurant
7007 South Land Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95831
Entertainment will be provided
Info or RSVP: Sam K. Ong: 421-9330
Moon Festival Celebration
The Ong Ko Met help sponsor the
2008 Sacramento Chinatown Mall Culture Fair
Nationally renowned Chinese-Americans lectured at
the Sun Yet Sen Hall and high acclaimed performers entertained
at an all day stage program.
To view the slideshow click here.
Gung Hay Fat Choy
Celebrate the Lunar New Year
Ong Ko Met Association
Chinese Lunar Year 4707 Year of the Ox
If you are a married daughter of an Ong family or
if your maiden name is Ong and wish to become a regular member
please join us.
February 1, 2009, Sunday at
12 noon - 2pm
New Years Greeting
Confucius Church
4th and I Street, Sacramento Chinatown Mall
Festivities include traditional lion dance, fire crackers and
tasty treats provided by 11 family associations.
March 1, 2009, Sunday
Chinese New Years Luncheon 12 noon - 2:00 PM
Ong Ko Met Association
427 J Street, Sacramento Chinatown Mall
Lunch Buffet provided. Bring your favorite dish to share.
Chinese New Years Eve Banquet at 6:00 PM
Holiday Villa Restaurant
7007 South Land Park Drive, Sacramento, CA 95831
Entertainment will be provided
Info or RSVP:
Sam K. Ong: 421-9330, Paul Dong: 443-1548 or Madeline Dong: 421-8949
Tickets: $15 per person or $150/table for 10; seniors 70 years
& older receive free ticket with incense offering (donation)
(cut)------------------------------------Please Complete &
Mail With Your Payment--------------------------------
Send dinner ticket payments to OKM, 427 J Street, Sacramento,
CA 95814 by February 21, 2009
or pay in person at Ong Ko Met Association on February 15, 2009,
Sunday 12 - 4pm.
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Payment enclosed for:
March 1, 2009 dinner tickets #________ and amount enclosed $____________
Donation to school publication from China can be made
at the same time.
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